Pro Capital is a financial firm, specialized in Capital Marktes, institutional brokerage and customized services for financial advisors. We provide a wide range of financial services to a diversified client base that includes private and public corporations, financial institutions, and financial advisors. Founded in 1993, the firm is headquartered in Montevideo, a classic financial center of the southern cone.
Our activities are reported under the following business units
Capital Marktes
We act as Arranger and Placement Agent of local and international bonds (REG S and 144 A) for latin american companies. By our own private banking and our institutional network, we have an important placement power
Institutional & financial advisors services
Our platform is based in 3 pillars: i) the quality of its Custody & Clearing banks, ii) a competitive Market Access, iii) and a solid Operations and AML Department. Pro Capital serves two classes of clients: i) An important network of Financial Advisors, where we provide the full service (access to the Custodian Banks, market execution, operations, compliance, etc) and ii) Institutional clients, where we basically provide market execution.
Institucional Brokerage
Pro Capital is the largest local dealer of Uruguayan Sovereigns Bonds in the international markets. Pro Capital deals Uruguayan Sovereigns Bonds with all the Primary Dealers in the US, Local Banks and Pension Funds, Latam Dealers and International Investments Managers Pro Capital also deals Private Uruguayan Bonds (ex. Carrasco International Airport)
Clearing & Custodian Banks
Custodian Banks (USA / Switzerland)
Pro Capital has clearing and custody agreements with the most trusted in the industry combining service with advanced technological platforms. Their services to our clients include custody, foreign exchange, trade execution, investment accounting, cash management, risk management solutions, loans, alternative investment administration and analytical reporting.

Legal Structure

Diego Pozzi is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Montevideo Stock Exchange.
Pro Capital is a full registered Broker Dealer, member of the Montevideo Stock Exchange and regulated by the Central Bank of Uruguay.
Pro Capital is registered under the laws of the Republic of Uruguay.